
См. документацию.
00001 //
00002 // C++ Implementation: xml_loader
00003 //
00004 // Description: 
00005 //
00006 //
00007 // Author: yessss <>, (C) 2007
00008 //
00009 // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
00010 //
00011 //
00013 #include <xml_loader.h>
00014 #include <xml_types.h>
00016 void XMLCALL xml_loader::startElement ( void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts ){
00017 //   printf("<%s>\n",name);
00018      xml_loader* th = (xml_loader*)userData;
00019      uint sz = th->text_func.size();
00020      if(th->start_element_func.empty())
00021           if(th->doc)
00022                th->doc->element( th, name, atts );
00024      if(th->start_element_func.empty() == false) {
00025           if(th-> != NULL)
00026                (th-> th, name, atts );
00027      }
00028      if(sz == th->text_func.size())
00029           th->text_func.push(NULL);
00030 }
00032 void XMLCALL xml_loader::endElement ( void *userData, const char *name ) {
00033 //   printf("</%s>\n",name);
00034      xml_loader* th = (xml_loader*)userData;
00035      th->start_element_func.pop();
00036      th->text_func.pop();
00037      if(th != NULL && th->parents_stack.size() == 1) {
00038           th->doc->root = th->;
00039           th->doc->root_type = name;
00040      }
00041      th->parents_stack.pop();
00042 }
00044 void XMLCALL xml_loader::text_data (void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) {
00045      XML_Char* c = (XML_Char*)malloc(sizeof(XML_Char)* len + 1);
00046      memcpy(c, s, len);
00047      c[len] = 0;
00048 //   printf("%i| %s\n", len, c);
00049      free(c);
00050      xml_loader* th = (xml_loader*)userData;
00051      if(th->text_func.empty() == false) {
00052 //        printf("th->text_func is not empty()\n");
00053           if(th-> != NULL)
00054                (th-> th, s, len );
00055      } else {
00056 //        printf("th->text_func is empty()\n");
00057      }
00058 }
00060 void* xml_loader::load() {
00061      XML_SetUserData ( parser, this );
00062      XML_SetElementHandler ( parser, xml_loader::startElement, xml_loader::endElement );
00063      XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, xml_loader::text_data);
00064      char buf[BUFSIZ];
00065      int done;
00066      do {
00067           size_t len = fread ( buf, 1, sizeof ( buf ), input );
00068           done = len < sizeof ( buf );
00069           if ( XML_Parse ( parser, buf, len, done ) == XML_STATUS_ERROR ) {
00070                fprintf ( stderr, "%s at line %d\n", XML_ErrorString ( XML_GetErrorCode ( parser ) ), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber ( parser ) );
00071                return NULL;
00072           }
00073      } while ( !done );
00074      return doc->root;
00075 }
00077 xml_loader::xml_loader(FILE* inp, Document* Doc): doc(Doc) {
00078      input = inp;
00079      parser = XML_ParserCreate ( NULL );
00080 }
00082 Document* xml_loader::getDocument() {
00083      if(doc->root == NULL)
00084           load();
00085      return doc;
00086 }
00088 xml_loader::~xml_loader() {
00089      XML_ParserFree ( parser );
00090 }
00092 void* xml_loader::get_parent() const {
00093      if(!parents_stack.empty())
00094           return;
00095      return NULL;
00096 }
00098 void xml_loader::push(void * node) {
00099      parents_stack.push(node);
00100 }
00102 void xml_loader::push(text_handler handler) {
00103      text_func.push(handler);
00104 }
00106 void xml_loader::push(element_handler handler) {
00107      start_element_func.push(handler);
00108 }
00110 void xml_loader::push(void * node, element_handler handler) {
00111      parents_stack.push(node);
00112      start_element_func.push(handler);
00113 }

Документация по XDataServer. Последние изменения: Thu Jul 12 11:49:43 2007. Создано системой  doxygen 1.5.2